Successful Treatment of a Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy (DPN) using MPS Therapy

David L. DPT

In the fall 2012 Microcurrent Point Stimulation (MPS) was applied to 65-year-old diabetic peripheral neuropathy patient suffering from chronic pain in the hip and knee. Doctors reported the chronic pain was residually left over from a previous below-knee amputation (BTA). Patient was also experiencing progressive decreased use of her remaining foot due to the loss of circulation from the diabetic neuropathy.

Dolphin Microcurrent was successfully applied to both her hip and knee pain and, despite initial doubt that it may be beneficial, was also applied the patient’s diabetic neuropathy foot, also proving highly successful. Dolphin Neurostim was able to fully reverse the circulatory damage of the Diabetic Neuropathy & provide complete pain relief to the suffering patient.

Patient History

Linda is a 65-year-old female the 21 year history of diabetes, and CVA (Costello angle tenderness), with resultant left-sided weakness which she has complained about for about four years.
In 1985 ago Linda underwent uterine cancer surgery. In 2010 she had a right below the knee amputation (BKA), due to decreased blood flow to that foot. Prior to the amputation, medical doctors tried to restore blood flow by surgical intervention to the upper mid thigh. This was unsuccessful and she underwent an additional surgery in November 29, 2011.

Around this time the lower extremity of her remaining foot started to experience circulatory problems in turn red. During this time, she progressively decreased use of the foot and leg. She called her remaining foot the “dead foot” and in her mind was on same course as the right foot had been prior to amputation. She was resigned to the fact that her left leg was now to be amputated, and I initially saw her fall of 2012 four months after she returned from the hospital secondary to an MRSA infection in her right amputated stump.
Initially, it was the pain in her left knee that brought me to her.

Her Knee pain had progressively been getting worse since the right amputation in 2010, and now is at the point where was providing significant barriers for functional daily living. She also reported she been suffering for the last six years in the be consistently awakened to her three times week with horrible, horrible pain in her left groin region.

When she inquired about this pain to doctors they would say she perhaps she pulled a muscle or slept wrong in the bed. An ultrasound revealed no abnormalities. Upon examining the patient I (David L. DPT) noticed a horizontal scar running across the entire length of her torso, which was result of the uterine cancer surgery performed approximately 30 years ago. The intense groin pain she was reporting at night was located just below the abdominal scar location.


Knee Pain

The knee pain when there was reportedly suffering from resolved in a single application of microcurrent point stimulation applied to local acupuncture points GB 31, GB 34, & Extraordinary Knee points (extra 31, 32,33) surrounding the knee. When I returned two days later, she reported that the pain was completely gone and that she no longer needed to take pain medication for constant knee pain.

Hip Pain

I learned at an MPS Pain Seminar that applying MPS around the circumference of the scar can have significant benefits to a patient’s chronic pain condition. Therefore, for Linda’s groin and hip pain,
I bilaterally applied MPS stimulation to the outside perimeter of the scar, then circuited or connected the scar to a distal acupuncture point called GB 41.

Following this initial MPS Scar Release treatment she did not report any recurrence of her nightly pain after a follow-up period of four months. Patient is very excited about achieved results.


Diabetic Foot Circulation:

Initially when I saw her left foot I was unsure of whether the treatment would be beneficial due to the advanced state of deterioration. She probably had very little feeling or sensation, and remaining foot had only trace movement in her big toe. But after the success of her hip and knee pain I decided to be worth a try to see if Dolphin Neurostim Microcurrent Point Stimulation (MPS) would be beneficial for her neuropathy. I treated the Jing Well “water” points (between the toes) which strongly influence the movement of circulation.

Linda was visited three times a week for several months and each time I returned to her for a visit her foot would visibly improve.
She soon began to get increased movements, as well as increased sensation and normalization of skin color in her foot. Liv3, and Sp6 all seem to have powerful effects on her foot circulation, & she eagerly awaited my return visits to her each week.

After six home care visits – over several months – the patient was so excited with her results, she cannot be happier. She no longer suffered from knee or hip pain, and the normalization of circulation movement throughout her remaining leg now meant her leg would be saved from amputation.

By mid-November, at her initial fitting of a prosthesis Linda was cautiously optimistic about beginning to walk again on a new leg. She now has dorsi flexion to all of her toes and is improving with her ankle dorsi flexion to where she no longer needs to wear and an ankle foot orthosis. She also had some flexion leg in her left index finger that is also markedly improved after the treatments, now enabling her to fully grip her walker for gait prosthetic training.

Although this is just a single case study, it clearly understates the need for further study application of MPS Therapy for the treatment of Peripheral Diabetic Neuropathy. MPS non-invasive therapy provided significant analgesic and circulatory benefits to this suffering patient. Therefore, MPS should be further investigated as a possible viable option for the future treatment of Peripheral Diabetic Neuropathy.

Youtube Video of case study:

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